Course Director
Daniel B Topping, MD
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
D2-32E, Dental Sciences Building
Phone: (352) 273-8899
Presentation: 50%
Participation in Discussion: 40%
Final Reflection 10%
Presentation Requirements
- One presenter per class
- Presentations should be 35-40 minutes, allowing for 20-25 minutes of discussion
- Papers to be presented must be approved by Course Director beforehand
- Presentations must include background on BOTH the teaching and learning techniques that are essential to understanding the paper.
- Please include insight and background found in the annotations.
Potential Topics for Consideration:
- Anatomical science and other educational journal articles (primary topic)
- Donor privacy and ethics
- Working with students with disabilities/making accommodations (pregnancy/physical limitations)
- Funeral director/embalming staff – what does it take to get qualified.
- Willed body program operation – logistics, transportation, etc.
- Death certificates/cause of death – how is it determined
- Preservation/chemicals used in process
- Physical space in laboratories (airflow, working with EHS, etc)
- Dealing with grieving family/loved ones, etc.
- Bioskills laboratory operation, working with outside organizations (workshops, conferences)
- Clinical reasoning – how clinicians think and would apply the knowledge
- LCME accreditation and anatomy education
- History of anatomy education using cadavers
- Donor gratitude ceremonies/celebrations
- Students must participate in the discussion in some way in every class. Ask a question, have the presenter clarify a point, share your thoughts or experiences, be critical or supportive of the data…but do speak up. This is essential for your grade but also makes the class dynamic and interesting. Not participating in the discussion is the same as not coming to class at all.
- Guidance will be provided for the Final Reflection.
- Excused absences must be cleared with the Course Director beforehand
- If you cannot present on the date assigned, find someone to switch with and then contact the Course Director