Venkatesh Nonabur, M.D.

Venkatesh Nonabur, M.D.

Assistant Scholar

Office: DSB D2-32C
Phone: (352) 273-9393
Fax: (352) 392-3305

Education and Training

MD – Mangalore University, Karnataka State, India (1994)
MSc – Anatomy, Mysore University, Karnataka State, India (1975)
BSc – Mysore University, Karnataka State, India (1971)

Major Teaching Responsibilities

College of Medicine

Applied/Clinical Gross Anatomy (MEL 7940)
Course Director – Module consisting of cadaver based dissection, review sessions, and presentations.

Musculoskeletal System (GMS 6607C)
Course Director – Gross Anatomy Module consisting of Cadaver based dissections, lectures, review and 2 exams.
Course web page: e-learning in canvas

College of Dentistry

Dental Gross Anatomy (DEN 5100C)
Course Director – Gross Anatomy module consisting of cadaver based dissection, lectures, review sessions, and 4 exams.
Course web page:

Advanced Head & Neck Anatomy (DEN 6416C)
Course Director- This module consists of Gross anatomy Dissections and Lectures and exams, it is part of Dental Basic science review session.
Course web page:

College of Physician Assistant Studies

Physician Assistant Gross Anatomy (PAS 5022C)
Course Director – Gross Anatomy Module consisting of intensive study of human anatomy; systemic and regional approaches; human dissection; the establishment of sound anatomical principles which underlie clinical sciences, combined with a systematic approach to radiographic interpretation.
Course web page:

Advanced Clinical Practicum (PAS 5008C)
Advance Clinical skills lab module consisting cricothyrotomy (emergency air way), tube thoracostomy, arthocentesis, methods of wound closure.


The Annual Gator RAP Workshop – Regional anesthesia training, cadaver ultrasound, guided injection and dissection

Awards and Professional Interests

University of Florida College of Medicine Exemplary Teacher Award, 2006 to 2012

Academic Appointments

I graduated from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India. I have held academic appointments over 10 years in College of Medicine, Universities in India and Nigeria. On June 1997 I joined as a research assistant at the McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, on a project of human embryonic spinal cord transplant. In June 2000, I joined the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine, University of Florida. I have been involved in teaching clinical anatomy to medical, dental and physician assistant and graduate students.


E.D.Wirth.III, B.C.Hains, V.Nonabur, M.A.Giovanini, P.J. Reier, and D.K.Anderson. Survival of Human embryonic spinal cord xenografts in exceptionally chronic contusion lesions. Seventh International Symposium on Neural Regeneration. Experimental Neurology 151: 143-171 (1998)  Journal

E.D. Wirth III, P.J. Reier, R.G. Fessler, F.J. Thompson, B. Uthman, A. Behrman, J. Beard, C.J. Vierck, D.K. Anderson. Feasibility and Safety of Neural Tissue Transplantation in Patients with Syringomyelia. Technical support. Journal of Neurotruma 18(9):911-929 (2001) Journal PubMed

V.K. Parsher, L.V. Hernandez, R.F. Leveen, C.R. Mladnich, V. Nonabur, M. Bhutani. First Report of Lymph sampling/lymphangiography by EUS guided transesophageal thoracic duct puncture in a swine model. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 55(5):AB231 (2002) Journal

V.K. Parsher, L.V. Hernande, R.F. LeVeen, C.R. Mladinich, V. Nonabur, M. Bhutani. Lymph Sampling and lymphangiography via EUS guided transesophageal thoracic duct puncture in a swine model. Gastrointestinal endoscopy 59: 564-567 (2004)  Pubmed Journal