Office: CGRC 355
Email: shuanghuang@ufl.edu
Phone: (352) 273-6769
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Training
Ph.D. – Pharmacology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas (1994)
BSc – Neurobiology, Fundan University, Shanghai, China (1983)
Postdoctoral Training
Post Doctoral Fellowship – American Cancer Society (1996 – 1997)
Research Interests
Research in the Huang lab is concentrated on elucidating molecular mechanisms associated with breast and ovarian cancer metastasis. One of the current projects is to investigate how homeobox domain-containing proteins SHOX2 and HOXC8 regulate breast cancer metastasis with the focus on their role in epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Another project is based on our early discovery that the integrity of EPS8/ABI1/SOS1 tri-complex is critical for ovarian cancer metastasis. In this project, we are currently dissecting the players and pathways pertinent to the metastasis-promoting role of EPS8/ABI1/SOS1 tri-complex in ovarian cancer. In addition, the Huang lab is also working on identifying cancer driver genes/pathways in ovarian cancer, with the emphasis on developing targeted therapeutic strategies against ovary malignancies.
Role of SHOX2 in breast tumor progression and metastasis
R01, National Cancer Institute (CA187152)
August 1, 2014 to July 31, 2019
Potential of Targeting PDE1C/2A for Suppressing Metastatic Ovarian Cancers
Pilot Award, Department of Defense Ovarian Cancer Research Program
July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015
Yang L, Fang D, Chen H, Lu Y, Dong Z, Ding HF, Jing Q, Su SB, Huang S. (2015). Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 is an ideal target for ovary tumors with elevated cyclin E1 expression. Oncotarget, 6:20801-12. | PubMed
Wang XF, Zhou QM, Lu YY, Zhang H, Huang S*, Su SB*. (2015). Glycyrrhetinic acid potently suppresses breast cancer invasion and metastasis by impairing the p38 MAPK-AP1 signaling axis. Expert Opin Ther Targets, 19:577-87. (*co-corresponding authors) | PubMed
Hao Z, Huang S. (2015). E3 ubiquitin ligase Skp2 as an attractive target in cancer therapy. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 20:474-90. | PubMed
Ren S, Li X, Fan W, Chen J, Zhang X, Mu Y, Zhang H, Sun M, Liu C, Huang S*, and Liu P*. (2014). MicroRNA-744/Transforming Growth Factor β1 Functional Pair Regulates Liver Cirrhosis. Submitted to J Hepatol. (*co-corresponding authors)
Dong G, Huang S, Ding H-F, and Dong Z. (2014). mTOR contributes to ER stress and associated apoptosis in renal tubular cells. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, in press.
Teoh J-P, Park K-M, Wang Y, Hu Q, Kim S, Wu G, Huang S, Maihle N, and Kim I-M. (2014). Endothelin-1/Endothelin A receptor-mediated biased signaling is a new player in modulating human ovarian cancer cell tumorigenesis. Submitted to Mol Pharmacol. PubMed | Journal
Zha Y, Xia Y, Ding J, Choi J-H, Yang L, Dong Z, Yan C, and Huang S, and Ding H-F. (2014) MEIS2 is essential for neuroblastoma cell survival and proliferation by transcriptional control of M phase progression. Cell Death Dis, in press. PubMed | Journal
Hong S, Noh H, Teng Y, Shao J, Rehmani H, Ding H-F, Dong Z, Su S-B, Shi H, Kim J, and Huang S. (2014). SHOX2 is a direct microRNA-375 target and a novel epithelial-mesenchymal transition inducer in breast cancer cells. Neoplasia, 16:279-290. (cover article) (PMID: 24746361) | PubMed
Li Y, Chao F, Huang B, Liu D, Kim J, and Huang S. (2014). HOXC8 promotes breast tumorigenesis by transcriptionally facilitating cadehrin-11 expression. Oncotarget, 6: 2596-2607. (PMID: 24810778) | PubMed
Tian FJ, An LN, Wang GK, Zhu JQ, Li Q, Zhang YY, Zeng A, Zou J, Zhu RF, Han XS, Shen N, Yang HT, Zhao XX, Huang S, Qin YW, and Jing Q. (2014). Elevated microRNA-155 promotes foam cell formation by targeting HBP1 in atherogenesis. Cardiovasc Res, 103:100-110. | PubMed
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