Make a gift to Anatomy & Cell Biology Education & Research
Please support the research and education for faculty and students in the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology.
Kyle and Donna Rarey Anatomical Science Education Fund
Support PhD students in Anatomical Science Education who conduct scholarly research in all anatomical disciplines. Support students’ travel to national meetings to present their research funding to enhance visibility of UF in Anatomical education and research. Support scholarship for PhD candidates and will fund newest educational technology so PhD graduates could become scholarly teachers at UF and other national institutions. Our PhD candidates will translate the newest educational technology to UF medical school learners. The fund will provide short term funding for independent research projects.
other endowments
Contributions should be made payable to: University of Florida Foundation, Inc. or UFF, Inc.
Mail Contributions to: Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Contributions Office, P.O. Box 100235, Gainesville, FL 32610
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